stacks of papers of evidence

If you were involved in an accident and are pursuing a personal injury claim, evidence is crucial in ensuring you walk away victorious. Work with a New York injury lawyer during your claim for skilled representation and legal advice.

What Types of Personal Injury Claims Exist?

There are many types of personal injury claims and cases. Accidents can happen anywhere, so a variety of injuries and situations can be relevant in your case. Identifying and understanding the type of claim you are filing is important in determining what type of evidence is necessary.

The following are some examples of personal injury claims that can be filed.

  • Auto accidents
  • Slip and falls
  • Medical malpractice
  • Construction accidents
  • Premises liability
  • Nursing home abuse
  • Wrongful death
  • Dog bite
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Product liability
  • Workplace accidents

You can pursue a lawsuit or claim against a negligent party for any of the above types of accidents.

What Evidence Do I Need for My Personal Injury Claim?

Like any case, evidence is crucial in a personal injury claim. The point of filing a claim is to hold the liable party accountable and seek compensation for your injuries and losses. This is only possible with strong evidence.

Proving negligence is crucial in a personal injury claim. The following evidence can help you build a strong case.

  • Medical records: Medical records are one of the most important pieces of evidence in a personal injury case. It is crucial to prove that you sustained an injury and link it to the accident. The records will also offer information about how much you have been billed, diagnoses, treatments, and other ways that your injuries have impacted your daily life.
  • Police report: The police or accident report can also offer valuable information. It will include details about the accident, information about the involved parties, witness information, and more.
  • Photos and videos: Documenting the scene of the accident or accessing surveillance footage can prove beneficial. If a video captured the accident it can help prove negligence. Additionally, pictures and videos can show the condition of the environment at the time of the accident.
  • Paychecks: A major part of a personal injury claim is compensation. Evidence of your pay stubs can prove how much you were affected by the accident. You may have had to take time off work for recovery or no longer have the same earning capacity.
  • Inspection records: Depending on the accident it may be beneficial to look into safety or inspection logs to check when the last time a structure or piece of equipment was checked for proper functioning.
  • Eyewitness testimony: Testimony from individuals who witnessed the accident and can speak to an outside view of the situation can help back up your claim.
  • Expert opinions: It may be necessary to get professional opinions from economists, doctors, detectives, and more. Their insight can help determine the validity of your claim.

The more evidence you have the stronger your claim will be. Reach out to an experienced attorney to learn more about the necessary steps and evidence during your personal injury claim.