girl wearing a motorcycle helmet

Wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle is a vitally important safety precaution that all drivers should take. Using a proper helmet can reduce the severity of your injuries and decrease the chance of death after an accident. Under New York safety laws, you must wear a helmet while on a motorcycle, whether you are the driver or a passenger. If you or someone you know were involved in an accident speak with an experienced Rockland County motorcycle accident lawyer to acquire skilled representation.

What Are the Motorcycle Helmet Laws in NY?

According to New York state laws, both the driver and any passenger of a motorcycle are required to wear helmets. This applies to any and all motorcyclists regardless of age. Additionally, the helmets must meet certain requirements and standards to ensure proper safety. New York motorcycle helmet requirements include the following.

  • Approval from the Department of Transportation and a DOT symbol
  • A continuous and protective curved surface
  • Have peripheral vision clearance
  • Cannot have rigid protrusions on the inside
  • Cannot have protrusions on the outside that extend past 0.2 inches

These laws were established in an attempt to protect motorcycle riders and promote safety for them and their passengers. Operating a motorcycle can be very dangerous so wearing proper protective gear is crucial in preventing serious injuries.

Why Do You Need a Helmet?

Wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle can be the difference between life and death. While driving one may be fun and thrilling, motorcycles are dangerous and offer no protection for the rider if an accident were to occur. Drivers of passenger vehicles are protected by the body of the car and airbags. Motorcyclists are not offered that luxury.

The Government Accountability Office has conducted studies on the impact that helmets have on motorcycle riders. Statistics show that helmets lower fatalities by 73% and serious injuries by 85%. Besides it being the law, you need to wear a helmet when driving a motorcycle to avoid preventable and unnecessary injuries or death.

What Happens if You Do Not Wear Your Helmet?

Besides sustaining serious injuries or even facing death, there can be serious repercussions to refusing to wear a motorcycle helmet in New York. The legal penalties can be severe. Violating NY motorcycle safety laws by driving a motorcycle without a helmet can result in a ticket, fines of $100, and up to 30 days in jail. A passenger without a helmet can also face fines.

In the event of an accident, you may not be able to pursue as much compensation from the negligent party if you were not wearing a helmet. During a personal injury case, you can collect damages for lost wages, property damage, and medical expenses. However, if your injuries were more severe because of your lack of a helmet, you may be deemed partially responsible. Speak with an attorney for more information.